Tag Archives: full of joy

Not dogs, MY dog

And then I realize Im not a dog person I am a “MY dog person”. Thirty years later Ive discovered this truth about pets and myself. Next time someone asks “do you like dogs?” I have to think twice before answering. Two weeks ago “YES!” No question asked, my answer would have been YES, i love dogs. But comes to a point were you have to be honest and really know yourself.

I have a dog and I’ve always had a dog at home. I don’t mind other peoples dogs (red flag: I rarely pet them) and they wont stop me from coming into your home or being near you. My dad feeds her, he grooms her once a week, heals her, cares for her, takes her to the vet when needed, buys her food treats, etc. So to be honest I don’t HAVE a dog, I LIVE with a dog = roommates 🙂

I ADORE Camila, my our yellow lab. She’s getting old but I swear she is one per cent away from being human. She understands everything, she knows when theres guests over and she has to stay upstairs (no gate or closed doors needed) she knows how and when to go to bed on her own, takes her blanket out, she knows when is Sunday [because thats the day she gets a ride in the back of the car and we go buy breakfast at McDonalds, where they know her!]



Yeah she’s adorable and a bit chubby of LOVE. Also, she knows how to get on her seat and push the button to roll the window up and down.

So what’s all this about? … Like Ive shared before Im recently married and like they say “marry the man and marry his family” well that comes with pets included. My husband bought an American Bully two years ago and although at first I was excited and really into the PUPPY


Living with the grown version now is different…


Although he is REALLY A GOOD DOG. No barking, chewing on things or going potty inside the house has ever happened… Im not used to an overly active dog, shedding, spending money on him, and all that comes with HAVING a dog. And yet I cant complain, my husband in a fight for me to give Pedro some love he takes him out three times a day, grooms him and takes care of his food. So whats wrong you may ask … I love that Camila is very calm and sweet and then we have Pedro who is wild, playful, and active (yeah, like a dog should normally be) and he follows me or my husband around the apartment all day long, he sniffs everything, has an eye for even the smallest ant and wont stop until he gets it, he is very curious and if it was up to him he would be even going into the bathroom with you [ i draw the line ] i take care very little of him since my husband is the one taking care of him, but Im just getting use to 1. Sharing my husband with a dog 2. All the hair.

I think I love MY Dog and just like other dogs.